We are two French sisters Marie-Anne (aka May) and Elizabeth ( aka Eliz’), and we lived abroad much of our lives!
Eliz was born in Congo, May in New Caledonia, and one day our parents came back to France where we grew up and studied.
When it came time to fly with our own wings, we both moved abroad again. London for Eliz, and New Zealand for May.
It’s (unexpectedly) in 2015 that we finally ended up living in the same city: Frankfurt,Germany.
That’s exactly at this time, that we decided to organise afterwork events for french people living in Frankfurt. The first reason was for Eliz to meet some new clients (she was working as a financial advisor for expats in Germany, and it was professionally interesting for her, you got it).
May was feeling concerned with everything related to networking events as she had to face the ” expats syndrome” when she lived in New Zealand. Living alone far away from home was not an easy thing and it was one of the reasons that made her come back to Europe.
We realized how important it was to come together with people, to share the culture, culinary tastes, and excitement when it comes to… the Apéro. ⎮short name for Apéritif! ⎮
This is how Apéros Frenchies was born!
At first, we were gathering around 40 french participants in this 5 stars hotel. Months after months it became bigger and really international!
Today, we organise monthly international afterwork events in 4 countries (Germany, Netherlands,France and UK). We aim to introduce our community to the best/ new/ or trendy places in town, and help them meet new friends!
We really encourage everyone to join this unique community that grows larger every day.
Your mum always told you ” Don’t talk to strangers?” Break the rules!
So what are you waiting for? Join us for our next event!