All over the world, the hospitality business is currently facing a difficult time.  In France, bars & restaurants are still closed until further noticed while in Germany, they are open for take away only.  Despite these partial openings, some german restaurateurs came out with great ideas to help each other. A way to support our favorite bars.

Across Germany, restaurateurs are urgently looking for ways to generate sales, despite the situation and this is how the idea of  [W]eine Familie came out – an association of restaurateurs, supporting each other in collaboration with the renowned VDP winery Nik Weis .A way to support our favorite bars.

By creating their own personalized and wine bottles, they offer different type of wine to satisfy your everyday cravings. Weissburgunde, Grauburgunder, or Riesling, you can pick your favorite limited edition bottles, order them for less than 10 euros/bottle,  and enjoy it while chilling at home. Isn’t it a great way to both help and enjoy?

For years, we had the chance to spend time together in these different locations, enjoying both great food & good drinks. But it was mostly about the great memories with friends or colleagues. We can’t wait to go back there together and cheers to it! Now, it’s our turn to show them that we’ve got their back.

In Frankfurt and Munich, renown restaurants such as Vaivai, Chinaski tagesbar, Zephyr, Sullivan, IMA, Grapes, Good time for Good people..are already taking part of this “wine family“. Feel free to spot the different ones from your city and support your favorite bars here!


Do you still need some ideas to pair your wine for your next “Apéro” ? Count on us to help you and  check out our latest suggestions. Don’t hesitate to give us feedback, and share your Aperitif on Instagram with us  tagging  @aperos_frenchies.


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